When you think of the dentist, you probably think of the tools and technology that was used from when you were a kid. This includes things like drills, fillings, explorers, and crowns that need to be constantly checked on. Technology continues to drive innovation and shape our world, however, and the dentist’s office is no exception. Over the last several years, there have been many new and exciting advancements that have helped make a trip to the dentist easier and more helpful than ever before. Here are some of the most important improvements to the dental industry that you need to know about:
When teeth are broken, weakened, or worn down beyond repair, dental crowns are necessary. They protect the tooth from further damage or infection, and eliminate pain. Unfortunately, placing traditional crowns is a complicated process that involves two (and sometimes more) trips to the dentist. The first trip involves anesthesia and filing the afflicted tooth down, then creating a mold for the crown. If necessary, it might even involve a root canal. At the end of the first visit, a temporary crown is placed while the permanent one is created. It isn’t until the second office visit that the temporary crown is placed. You will be put under anesthesia again while the permanent crown is placed. Occasionally, you will want to return to the office again within a month or two to make sure that everything is fine. CEREC Crowns at Biltmore Commons Dental Care, however, simplify this process into a single, easy office visit, giving them a significant dentist advantage. Instead of using standard fillings, CEREC crowns use high-grade ceramics that are highly compatible with the existing tissues in your mouth. This means your teeth won’t need to be filed down, so more of their natural structure is preserved. In less than an hour, the filling will have your teeth completed sealed and safe from any further damage. You don’t have to worry about things like drilling, molding, or a second visit!
Despite technological advances, finding tooth decay was a manual process for dentists until very recently. Using an explorer tool, dentists have to poke and prod each tooth to see if they’re able to find any cavities. It’s an uncomfortable experience, but a necessary one. Today, however, many dental offices are implementing laser technology to help them find cavities. Contact your local dentist to find out if that is something they offer.
Dental veneers fit snugly over teeth to improve their appearance. They’re perfect for teeth that are chipped, crooked, or discolored. Like crowns, the process takes several visits. Teeth must be filed down and a mold needs to be created. It needs to go through a bonding process to make sure it properly takes to your teeth. Between planning and implementation, a veneer placing usually takes two or three trips to the office. Traditional veneers are made of strong ceramic materials that were built to last and avoid stains. For structural integrity, they need to be fairly thick, which is why it’s necessary to file teeth down a bit. With the advancement of technology, newer veneer material is becoming available. It is thinner than ever, without giving up any strength. This means that teeth don’t need to be reshaped as much – or at all. More of your original tooth is kept, providing a sounder structure and a much simpler procedure. As technology continues to improve, dental technology will continue to get even better. If you want to receive the best care possible, make sure to visit us here at Biltmore Commons Dental Care. We combine years of experience with the latest and greatest technology to provide you with the simple, effective dental care that you deserve!
Mon and Wed: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tues and Thurs : 7:00 am – 2:00 pm
Fri: 7:00 am – 12:00 pm